This I liken to a clearing of the third eye. 0000035032 00000 n No longer getting sick. 0000031780 00000 n Feeling that everything youve ever known has been a lie - As your 5D awareness grows and you reflect deeply on your past, you could feel that everything youve ever known and/or have been taught has been a lie. Your personality is over-thinking and over-processing potential problems and solutions. As always, whenever you have ongoing physical symptoms, I encourage you to seek advice from a healthcare professional of your choice. Finding your way to peace through this situation is the test you have set up for yourself. While this symptom can be quite annoying, its not usually the result of any serious health problem. Though these two individuals may co-create an experience together if the souls have chosen so for the lessons available, but their highly mismatched frequencies will keep them out of range of each other. Spiritually, . If you have an infection, such as the common cold or flu, your treatment options are more limited. Anything old or stuck is being shaken loose inside each of us. Dizziness - This can happen around big cosmic events like solar flaring, eclipses and super moons. In other words, you realise that what you focus upon, you can create. A need to take action - Where youve been sitting back unsure or unmotivated, once ascension begins youll likely feel the need to move and be active along your path. Many of us are experiencing strange and unfamiliar symptoms daily and dont realize whats causing them. ETs and beings from other realms are assisting in the ascension process as they have already been working with Earth for a very long time. Your old self is no longer who you are and the Earth is changing to a new timeline. 0000035954 00000 n An intolerance for lower vibrational things of the 3D world. By switching from the mind to the heart to lead our lives, we can achieve our greatest path. Any energies that do not belong to you are being dissolved away and that might feel very uncomfortable at times as you adjust to the shift in frequency. Treating the underlying causes of sneezing,,,,,P02966. You now become responsible for where you take yourself in life and that equates to personal freedom and equals personal power. It takes practice to master being out of your body and will teach you much about the cosmic nature of reality. Spiritual growth (ascension) works in exactly the same way. And that the more aware you become of your amazing energy body, the more youll accept the challenge and elation of your spiritual growth. Dry nose is also common in people in drier climates. This is our last incarnation on a fear-based three dimensional plane and our new bridge to the more abundant and peaceful life that awaits us. Career dissatisfaction - This goes along with a desire to break free. As we are all connected, the work that Lightworkers do effects humanity and the planet as a whole. It is almost like a software upgrade that will no longer support old programs. Increased self-awareness of your old patterns - As your consciousness grows, so does your ability to reflect and make self-responsible determinations of where and how youve developed repetitive patterns because of choices youve made. COMMON 5D ASCENSION SYMPTOMS And so, there are many ways in which your physical body will show symptoms of bringing through higher dimensional awareness. Higher expectations from yourself and others - When you wake-up and ascend on your 5D consciousness path you desire to act with authority, integrity and spiritual excellence. So, youll need to move through a period of time where youre either explaining yourself and your truth to others, seeing if theyll come on board and grow along with your new sense of spiritual truth, or some will need space from those close. Anxiety and panic. In this respect, although a general overview of these persistent Ascension symptoms has been elucidated, focused attention has been paid to the case of so- called Flu-Like or Allergy-Like Ascension symptoms, leaving further details on other such persistent Ascension symptoms to be presented elsewhere, as well as comprehensive discussions on the Many of us are witnessing a major shift happening in the world around us and starting to question what we previously held as truth. In this way we are moving our consciousness from one reality to another. They play a key role in humanitys ascension as they are a boots on the ground troop of souls from other planets and star systems that are inspiring people to awaken and expand. A higher vibration prevents chronic illness. Humanity is growing their consciousness to evolve and become interconnected with theplanetary consciousness, and that is shifting Earth humans to be rehabilitated and to practice more loving actions like forgiveness, compassion, and service to others. Our our enemies are teaching us how to forgive and use love, which allows us to expand and ascend. stomach issues. Rest and drink lots of water when this occurs, as it will pass and reveal greater awareness and a clearer direction when complete. 0000031221 00000 n If you are experiencing an increase in stress, disillusion, financial challenge, career struggle, self-questioning, anxiety, and strange physical and mental symptoms you are likely in the beginning stages of your path to awakening. Lie on the ground, outdoors (or against a tree) for great healing relief. While you inhabit a human body on Earth, you are in a constant dance and rhythm with multi-dimensional cosmic energetics, which include planetary movements and influences in our local solar system and even beyond. They have an inner knowing that their lifes work isnt just about them, but that they have a calling to be of service to others. Energy infiltrates many different dimensions at once. If you feel completely out of sorts lately and cant figure out why, you may be experiencing the ascension process. Call your doctor, or video chat . When we begin to awaken to new paradigms and practice self-healing, the frequency of our body increases. You can take this opportunity and join with the thousands of awake and aware souls globally, who are successfully ascending on their spiritual path every week with The Tip-Off. Technology malfunctions and doesnt work properly i.e computer problems and crashes. It may seem like there is a lot of evil in the world and that its naive to think the world will change. You may find yourself angry though nothing particular has happened. 0000037779 00000 n Go at your pace and apply what you know. The best thing to do is to surrender and trust. But, over the past 20 years that energy has shifted ever higher, as our entire solar system has been flooded in light, which has raised the vibration on Earth through the 4D level (where time seemingly morphs) to the level of 5D (having an awareness that you are an energy being experiencing physical life). Every 25,900 years our Solar System passes through highly energetic areas in our galaxy which causes widespread transformational upgrades in the DNA on all life. 1. Mainstream News Finally Reports Aliens Exist, Breaking The Stereotype Of Being Spiritual, The Most Common Awakening & Ascension Symptoms. Hang in there.Your body is heating up as it burns off residue. These lower periods are the assimilation periods. We include products we think are useful for our readers. Allergies, caused by pet dander, pollen, or . Sneezing Runny or stuffy nose Itchy or watery eyes Itchy nose or ears Post-nasal drip (which can sometimes cause a mild sore throat) Mild fatigue COVID-19 The coronavirus (COVID-19) is a viral illness that can be spread in ways that include coughing, sneezing, and close personal contact. Our DNA is currently absorbing photons from the sun which are activating codes within its dormant parts. Last week, I said I would provide a more detailed list of Ascension symptoms to help validate what you might be experiencing. All is well, as we choose what best suits. Each of us will walk a different path. Many humans feel they are being called to help the world in profound ways. Anxiety - Many 'Empaths may feel anxious because of the lower-level (often negative) energy that they pick up and absorb from others and a toxic environment. %PDF-1.4 % Smells, sounds, TV, crowds, and certain people may feel unbearable at times. This is not something to worry about or be afraid of. Congratulations And Good Luck On Your Journey! As we clear out darker and denser areas of our lives and transform ourselves we get closer to the pure being of light that we are. Ascension is also known as a spiritual expansion, and is an increase in our consciousness as our higher dimensional and spiritual-energetic body connects into our physical body. If we ask for signs, they will appear, if we ask for help they will do their best for us. Ground yourself by breathing up through your feet. Just like the weather can lift or deflate your mood, so do the planetary movements have an impact on your energy levels and your rate of growth. For indeed, when youre aware of and working with your spiritual reality (the fifth dimension of light) you accept change as being a fundamental foundation of spirit - of who you are. When we begin to use actions and words based in love we start to express ourselves in accordance with our cosmic divinity. Many of us struggle finding joy because of the traumas and pain weve experienced in life. We characterize 3-dimensional planets as those where we feel cut-off from God/Source, separate from one another, and stuck in a duality of right vs wrong. As energetic beings, we exist in a state of constant vibration, and are far from solid creatures. The more light absorbed in your body and the higher your frequency the healthier you become. This means that water is flowing in your physical body, cleansing and clearing old, stuck energy in the process. Sudden waves of emotion. Ensure that you address your diet when in ascension mode and consume high-frequency (fresh, plant based foods) and drink lots of filtered water - limit processed foods (although many will over-consume these in an attempt to feel good). Read on to learn more about why you sneeze and how to treat it. 0000001076 00000 n Keep a notebook near your bed and write down whatever you can remember, as soon as you wake, before it slips from your consciousness. Flu-like symptoms- vibrational flu. You may want to watch different types of movies or none at all. We are beings of light who thrive on photonic energy to survive. Unusual hearing is another spiritual awaking symptom. Walking your spiritual talk is imperative to being grounded and authentic when embracing 5D ascension. Many have connections with aliens and UFOs, while others are slowly stepping into this as a part of their new reality. You cant take your old dense baggage into the new higher frequency Earth. If you are noticing malicious thing happening in the world right now, it may be time to see where these themes lie inside your self. If your sneezing is a result of allergies or an infection, you and your doctor can work together to treat the cause and resolve your sneezing. It is a powerful, involuntary expulsion of air. Being hugely creative and inspired - With a higher vibration being channeled through you, creativity surges. As we move further along our path of spiritual growth the physical body can begin to experience uncomfortable symptoms as it is beginning to vibrate at higher frequencies. During this process we shift from the mind/logic-based thinking and into love/heart-centred surrender. By loving and accepting the part of us that created any negative beliefs, we can take back the energy weve invested into them back for ourselves to create the things we want to experience. A stronger connection to the Earth, seasons, weather, and climate. If youve been focused on changing some major life patterns and devoting more time to expanding your mind, you may find youre facing some challenges that are hard to face. Its not bad is pre-destined activityfor your spiritual maturity to being. There are many self-healing techniques, exercises, classes, meditations, and teachers to assist us. The past 12 months - energy ascensionLiving with a 5D influence for over 12 months now, has been accelerating everyones energy. Consider that your entire body (your body of light) is far more complex than just the physical. Tears flowing - overly emotional - This occurs in line with the heart field expanding and your empathic skills developing. You might also decide to purchase an air filtration machine to clean the air in your home. Dealing with a cold or the flu? As you activate and grow on the outer levels (with the information you draw in from the ever changing cosmos), eventually your physical body follows suit - it changes to embody more light. Inability to sleep - This can happen when there is much change stirring within you and youre unsure of what to act upon first. Souls love to learn and grow through the process of not only physical evolution, but also of spiritual evolution. We too have the ability to become ascended masters and many of us are beginning this path right now. More light is getting in and is moving our connected human consciousness into a higher field of vibrational energy. 0000024657 00000 n This 5D level of awareness (a creational energy template) finally embedded around our planet back in June 2019. So many in our community of light have.4D into 5DAs our world has progressively been challenged to wake-up and grow over the last 20 years, with the sharing of ideas and information now becoming near instant, the concept of time and the gap between thought and thing has diminished. And that the more aware you become of your amazing energy body, the more youll accept the challenge and elation of your spiritual growth. i.e 555, 222, 1010, 1111. Youll come to learn that we are all at different levels of evolution and so over time, the expectations you have of others will wain. Surgest of heat or power where you may feel inexplicably hot or cold. Scientists say we only use 2-5% of our DNA, and have labeled the rest junk. What they dont know is that we simply havent been ready to understand what our dormant DNA was for. Seeing things in life you were just thinking or talking about. In 3D we have points to prove and people to impress. You are splitting between two vibrational worlds of consciousness so there may days reality seems strange. Healing trauma and pain is the first step, as it allows room for the new light to enter where the darker and denser energies are. You can also make some simple changes in your home to reduce irritants. Many of us are hearing the call to assist others in this process and changing careers to more spiritual and conscious lines of work. You are also releasing lower, darker energies and you are seeing through them. This makes 'ascension symptoms' easier to . It might seem harder to have fun and enjoy the moment. Less common symptoms include itchy throat, loss of smell, face pain, headache and itchy and watery, red eyes. We are never in danger, though it may feel rough. A thirst for ancient, esoteric knowledge - You may find that answers call from our ancient past. Dark energy or thoughts are usually rooted in ego, fear, survival, selfishness, and separation. A lot of cleansing and releasing takes place during sleep as does downloads, upgrades, and other work on your mind and body. Psychic abilities, intuitive knowing, compassion are evolving more fully. Growing in personal power - Youll begin to feel more confident in who you are (all of you) the more that your consciousness grows. Challenging events that alter your life. 0000035438 00000 n This incubation period helps one to know themselves without distraction and can be vital to your spiritual growth. This version is not comfortable living life without greater meaning and it longs to express itself in creative and loving ways. Youve had a traumatic past or difficult challenges, You see your hardships and challenges as ways to improve and learn, You tend to look for the deeper meanings in life, You feel a calling to heal and help change the world, You are drawn to metaphysical ideas, crystals, yoga, tarot, energy healing, and spiritual studies, You understand frequency and how it relates to emotion, You are sensitive and empathetic almost to a fault, You are drawn to healing and want to help others, You are on a mission to find your greater purpose in life, You prefer spiritual practice over religion, Soul-growth is a major part of your focus, You see repeating numbers and synchronistic messages often, You feel like an outcast or a lone wolf in this world, You feel called to improve your life through self-care, shadow work, and self-healing. You start to feel you are getting it and life is becoming less confusing in one way. But this egotistic veil of the mind is no longer serving us. 0000024853 00000 n During theAscensioncycle we as human beings will experience variousphysical symptomsas we shift our cells into higher frequency patterns. In 5D we are directly connected to our higher self, the soul version of us that exists simultaneously alongside us. Connect with the Earth for sustenance and stability. Change in eating habits or food intolerance. Being excited to learn more about everything thats happening and switching your interests from the mindless external stuff like reality tv, sports, and partying to things that expand or enrich your consciousness. The more aware you become of your energy being and your power to create (and destroy) the more conducive your manifestations become. Change of diet - Its hugely common that once you wake-up and ascend you feel the intuitive urge to clean up your diet. Steam inhalers are used as personal saunas for skin care or for supporting respiratory health. This is my list (in no particular order) of OVER 43 common ascension symptoms that I have seen in my work and what you can do to address them: Headaches, migraines - fuzzy head - your brain is forming new neural pathways. 0000031695 00000 n But the negative acts we see in the world are reflections of our own beliefs, traumas, and fears. Bouts of euphoria - followed by feeling low - With 5D ascension and shifting daily planetary influences, you can experience bouts of being on a high, followed by days when your energy feels lower. Messangers help communicate important messages and teach, while Seers have heightened psychic abilities and intuition. You have! This can cause a tightness and itching in the upper back area, as well as a heaviness in your shoulders, as your wings slowly open. This causes a shift within our bodies that begins to change the way we think and feel. If an allergy is the cause of your sneezing, your first step will be to avoid known allergens. With considered insight comes the ability to consciously choose and shift your patterns to a higher energy flow. Separation and duality with others causes conflict and distress which is meant to help guide us back to unity, the frequency of love. Tingling in arms, hands, legs or feet. If you live or work with others and cannot be on your own, you may notice that you become emotionally and mentally distant. Gatekeepers work in areas of the planet where energy needs to be protected or regulated, and Transmuters are the alchemists that take dense energy and transform it into new energy for more positive use. The vagus nerve which runs down the side of the neck is also linked into the heart and when stimulated (as your neck becomes tight, perhaps from resistance to your incoming life changes) this can also serve to awaken the heart energy field and cause an expansion (fluttering) of consciousness. Ascension is here for you. If you are constantly trying to focus your eyes due to blurry vision, or when you wake up in the morning with blurry vision but later within couple of hours it self adjusts, it is part of ascension symptom. If you are reading reading this now, its because you are ready to transform and are being divinely guided to your next phase. If you have severe allergies, your doctor might recommend that you receive allergy shots. We do play a role in in our daily lives as well. As a person undergoes a spiritual awakening, they shift into higher states of consciousness. If you are having difficulty coping, there are several key ways to deal with the incoming symptoms. Just embracing the awareness of multi-dimensional realities in itself creates a vibrational shift inside of us. You may not be able to decipher what the messages mean. Its your intentions, whether conscious or not that direct and therefore, form your reality. Well tell you where this comes from, Got a tickle in your nose? Such physical irritations and cleansing usually clear up as you let go and as, powerful planetary influences pass. In extreme cases, you may need to get your home checked for mold spores, which may be causing your sneezing. A common 'ascension' symptom is experiencing pain or pressure in or around the head, or entire skull area, including the eyes, ears, and sinuses, and sometimes in the lower face area, including teeth and gums, and jaw area. I eventually became vegan and with the range of plant-based, organic (in-season) foods on offer today, its easier than ever. You can kill dust mites on sheets and other linens by washing them in hot water, or water over 130F (54.4C). , as it will pass and reveal greater awareness and a clearer when. Guide us back to unity, the soul version of us are beginning this path right.! New timeline this incubation period helps one to know themselves without distraction can. Back in June 2019 our lives, we Exist in a state of vibration! 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